we believe in creating sensitive and socially conscious architects who can contribute in shaping our built environment
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Cherishable moments with the Guru of Architecture – Ar. B.V.Doshi — at Ramee Grand Hotel, Apte road, Pune
Cherishable moments with the Guru of Architecture – Ar. Balkrishna V. Doshi
(On Friday, 26 July 2019 with the faculty of V.I.T.’s Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture, Pune.)
(On Friday, 26 July 2019 with the faculty of V.I.T.’s Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture, Pune.)
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of FEED, Ar. Balkrishna Doshi, honoured with Pritzekar Prize 2018, was invited for a dialogue with Ar. Neelkanth Chhaya and Ar. Narendra Dengle on Friday, 26th July 2019. On the following day the faculty of PVPCOA was blessed with a closed interaction with him on Saturday, 27th July 2019 at Hotel Ramee Grand. All the faculty members along with Mr. Jitendra Pitaliya, Secretary, Vivekanand Institute of Technology and Ar. Prof. Prasanna Desai, Director, Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture, were present for this informal discussion with the doyen of architectural academics and creator of and premier institution in architecture. He candidly shared the experiences as well his concerns about the state of affairs in architectural education with the budding academicians with all the involvement and enthusiasm that he is known for.
PVPCOA has lot of publications on the academic environment like yearbooks, compilation of submission briefs, compilation of practical training portfolios, reports on Relative Study Programs of 1st , 2nd and 3rd year classes, Post graduate studies report, Reports on studies done in public domain etc. The faculty wished to share these with him and obtain his critical comments and advise for further improvement. In the beginning he shared his experience with many other college students coming for internship at Sangath studio, and observed how woefully they lack the architectural skills, sensitivity of surroundings and pro-activeness to learn on their own, majorly because of the inadequate exposure given by the institutes and lack of vision in shaping the young minds.
While browsing through the abovementioned publications one by one, he immediately grasped the intense involvement of the faculty in conceptualizing the contents and guiding the students so that their hard work does justice to the publication. He hoped that these publications, which are of high quality and content, will be made available to other institutes through on-line sharing as well as publishing the hard copies. He advised that it is a moral duty of mature institutions to show the way to the budding colleges in developing appropriate body of knowledge. He talked about helping other schools just like the blossom of a flower so that everyone gets the “Fragrance”. PVPCOA faculty and management has understood the message and resolved to work towards it. He cited the example of how “Varkaris” took the learnings of the “ Bhakti” movement to different parts of the country.
He advised the faculty to do away with “Rote Learning”, while not forgetting the value of constant practice like “Jap” done by the religious people, and infuse “Joy and Fun” in the teaching as well as learning. The faculty must experience poetry of life, music in life and the rhythm of life themselves and transfer the same to their systems. This could happen only when one “breaks out of the box”. In the process one must learn to face the failures also. The real teaching happens when students get the correct mindset to understand and learn architecture. The faculty must be able to put the “Arka or crux of the matter” in front of the students. According to him, students should not be bound every time in studios and classes. The real learning happens beyond their classrooms by getting exposure and gathering real life experiences – he remarked.
He shared the experiences with Le Corbusier when he was working with him during the construction of city of Chandigarh, and explained how Le Corbusier could fathom the depth of Indian way of living through constant study, observation and sketches.
The faculty querried of him as to why architecture has not been able to connect with the masses in our country and why it remains a pseudo field where architects interact with architects only. To this his answer was that we always have been speaking about buildings but not the living environment and its quality. He asked the facturly the fundamental question : If Taste is for the food , what is for the Architecture? In our culture , according to him, Vastu was the word for Architecture which in real sense means “Environment”. This he explained why his iconic institute CEPT was names as “ Centre for Environment “ and not “ College of Architecture.” The essence of the name also formulated the word : ConCEPT !
During the interaction with the faculty, he with his boundless love for the students, could also find time to inaugurate the publication on “ Understanding the city – Lucknow”, report of the relative study programme of Third year in 2018. The students and the faculty who had worked day and night to compile the report were blessed with his encouraging words.
Even with his hectic schedule of engagements, with his unbounded energy and love for academics, he could find time for this interaction and truly blessed the institution and the faculty with his sagely advise. The institution pledges to put his advise in practice.
PVPCOA has lot of publications on the academic environment like yearbooks, compilation of submission briefs, compilation of practical training portfolios, reports on Relative Study Programs of 1st , 2nd and 3rd year classes, Post graduate studies report, Reports on studies done in public domain etc. The faculty wished to share these with him and obtain his critical comments and advise for further improvement. In the beginning he shared his experience with many other college students coming for internship at Sangath studio, and observed how woefully they lack the architectural skills, sensitivity of surroundings and pro-activeness to learn on their own, majorly because of the inadequate exposure given by the institutes and lack of vision in shaping the young minds.
While browsing through the abovementioned publications one by one, he immediately grasped the intense involvement of the faculty in conceptualizing the contents and guiding the students so that their hard work does justice to the publication. He hoped that these publications, which are of high quality and content, will be made available to other institutes through on-line sharing as well as publishing the hard copies. He advised that it is a moral duty of mature institutions to show the way to the budding colleges in developing appropriate body of knowledge. He talked about helping other schools just like the blossom of a flower so that everyone gets the “Fragrance”. PVPCOA faculty and management has understood the message and resolved to work towards it. He cited the example of how “Varkaris” took the learnings of the “ Bhakti” movement to different parts of the country.
He advised the faculty to do away with “Rote Learning”, while not forgetting the value of constant practice like “Jap” done by the religious people, and infuse “Joy and Fun” in the teaching as well as learning. The faculty must experience poetry of life, music in life and the rhythm of life themselves and transfer the same to their systems. This could happen only when one “breaks out of the box”. In the process one must learn to face the failures also. The real teaching happens when students get the correct mindset to understand and learn architecture. The faculty must be able to put the “Arka or crux of the matter” in front of the students. According to him, students should not be bound every time in studios and classes. The real learning happens beyond their classrooms by getting exposure and gathering real life experiences – he remarked.
He shared the experiences with Le Corbusier when he was working with him during the construction of city of Chandigarh, and explained how Le Corbusier could fathom the depth of Indian way of living through constant study, observation and sketches.
The faculty querried of him as to why architecture has not been able to connect with the masses in our country and why it remains a pseudo field where architects interact with architects only. To this his answer was that we always have been speaking about buildings but not the living environment and its quality. He asked the facturly the fundamental question : If Taste is for the food , what is for the Architecture? In our culture , according to him, Vastu was the word for Architecture which in real sense means “Environment”. This he explained why his iconic institute CEPT was names as “ Centre for Environment “ and not “ College of Architecture.” The essence of the name also formulated the word : ConCEPT !
During the interaction with the faculty, he with his boundless love for the students, could also find time to inaugurate the publication on “ Understanding the city – Lucknow”, report of the relative study programme of Third year in 2018. The students and the faculty who had worked day and night to compile the report were blessed with his encouraging words.
Even with his hectic schedule of engagements, with his unbounded energy and love for academics, he could find time for this interaction and truly blessed the institution and the faculty with his sagely advise. The institution pledges to put his advise in practice.
Ar. B.V. Doshi greeted by Mr. Jitendra Pitaliya, Secretary, V.I.T.
Felicitation of Ar. B.V. Doshi by Mr. Jitendra Pitaliya with a portrait by Sandeep Kale (Student of 2019 Batch) in the presence of Ar. Radhika Doshi Kathapaliya and Ar. Girish Doshi
Ar. B.V. Doshi shares his visions with Team 6 of PVPCOA.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Academic Event - 2019-20 - Visit And Interaction - Ar. Neelkanth Chhaya
Ar. Neelkanth Chhaya on 26th July 2019, Friday.
He has spent his entire life in CEPT like a “Rushi”.
We are all normal people struggling with our life, either happy or unhappy.
I really like the fact you do so many site visits, you present your work, which is very important!
What is a teacher ?
In “t e ch r” “ch e t r” if interchanged.
What does it need to be a student?
St u de nt - stu dio.
What is a studio? What is it to study?
What is the act of studentship?
What does practicing mean?
When child is young, you give him a ball, he starts playing. When a ball doesn’t touch the bat the child doesn’t start crying, the child is fully aware that there will be problems and I will keep on trying to hit it.
So as a student if you don’t find yourself in that state, then start doubting yourself if you are one.
Mastering ones own equipment is the hallmark of studentship.
As a kid you were made to rote learning, but it made you remember it forever.
Some of the things in architecture are of that kind like you never forget riding a bicycle, eg. sketching.
10000 hrs of practice is required to learn an art. Is your mind and body engaging with the tools ?
This field has a lot of suffering!
What are the rewards of studentship?
It’s time that this generation was reminded of the tough times.
You have to learn to build the body of an architect.
When have you felt elated?
When you get the realisation of the unexpected result!
“The student is entitled to joy not pleasure.
Joy comes out of your own doing, pleasure comes out of others appreciation!”
Would you like to continue to call yourself a student ?
Teachers ask the right question to the student, and give them the satisfaction of getting the answer by themselves.
The students are the teachers and it’s vice versa.
The students stimulate the teacher!
By doing something which is of such evident sincerity!
In roman ships 50 men pulling the ores, and only one man doing the steering, who was taking the boat forward?
This relationship is the most wonderful relationship that exists.
A school is a partnership!
Studentship must be inhabited in all of us.
What happens in coliving?
The joint family culture is commonly portrayed in a rich manner on Indian television series/movies.The entire notion of family disintegration is wrong.Coliving is a western concept , and its necessity isn't really applicable in an Indian context.
Spaces in wadas are commonly segregated in terms of wet areas or dry areas ; not by any other categories.
What is empowerment ?
The process of empowerment is to root ourselves in simple reality!
Empowerment isn't something that is given , it is acquired by default. Youth empowerment is currently being given a lot of importance in our country.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Academic Event- 2019-20- Third Year - Technology- Site Visit
On Tuesday 23rd July 2019, Third Year B. Arch. students visited The Kokal Interior Contractors Pvt Ltd. factory at Bavdhan ,Pune. This is a well known brand for furniture design and its own reputation. This factory at Bavdhan showcased the whole process of furniture making right from managing various materials - designing of a product uptol complete finishing. Students were guided by the factory staff w.r.t. material management, designing, research & development, manufacturing process & techniques for joinery, market requirement etc.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Co-Academic Event - 2019-20 - Architectural Quotient
Now in its 9th year, Architectural Quotient, the Architecture-based quiz hosted by PVPCOA for all colleges in Pune had its best participation yet. With 14 colleges participating from all over Pune and 109 teams registered, the quiz was a high-volume affair with palpable competition! It ended with a tough fight where teams were tied for both the 1st and 3rd positions. The clincher resulted in a double PVP victory with both 1st and 2nd places being awarded to PVP teams. 3rd place went to BRICK school of architecture.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Monday, July 15, 2019
Academic Event- 2019-20 - Third Year - Ar. Narendra Dengle
Presentation by Ar. Narendra Dengle on ‘Museums’ was organized on Monday, July 15, 2019 for the students of III Year B. Arch., to guide them on culture, form, materiality, and infrasture required in Museum design. Ar. Narendra Dengle presented his experiences of the various international Museums which he visited and four of his own Museum Design Projects. Presentation was followed by question answer session.
Architectural Quotient 2019

Dear All,
Vivekanand Institute of Technology's Padmabhushan Dr.
Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture, Pune (PVPCOA, Pune) is hosting a quiz
event " Architectural Quotient (AQ) -2019" for students of
Architecture of all Colleges affiliated to Saviribai Phule Pune University
(SPPU) and other Universities in Pune
S. M. Joshi
Navi Peth, Pune
Any student enrolled in the current academic year 2019-20
from II Yr. to V Yr. B. Arch. can participate in the AQ-2019 event (with valid
college ID cards)
Registration charges-
Rs.50/- per team
For more details on AQ 2019 check out the "AQ-2019
POSTER" & "AQ Introduction Note" attached herewith with this
Link for on line
* https://forms.gle/T73cWhChh5RakMtZ9 *
Kindly spread the message to your friends & colleagues.
For further queries please contact AQ student coordinators -
Prerna Godambe +91 8888969507
Rutuja Yemul +91 8637729009
Neelakshi Jain +91 7447307197
(IV Yr. B. Arch. 2019-20, PVPCOA, Pune)
with Warm Regards,
Ar. Sanika Inamdar,
Ar. Devendra Deshpande,
Ar. Aarthi Chandrashekhar,
Ar. Niranjan Garde,
Ar. Minal Sagare
(AQ 2019 Team, PVPCOA, Pune)
Ar. Shekhar Garud
(Academic Coordinator, PVPCOA, Pune)
Ar. Prof. Prasanna Desai,
(Director, PVPCOA, Pune)
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019
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