Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Site Visit : BTM II & BTM IV : Winsquare Solutions LLP, Showroom and Factory, Pune - 27/12/2016

As a part of Building Technology & Materials, the students of Second Year and Third Year visited the Winsquare Solutions LLP UPVC Doors & Windows Showroom and Factory on  Tuesday, 27th December 2016.

The visit aimed at understanding non-timber doors and windows, their types, materials used, manufacturing and application processes.

Students at Winsquare Solutions Showroom at Timber Market, Pune

Students being explained by Mr. Bhaskar Gupta of Winsquare Solutions on application of UPVC Windows

Students at the Winsquare Solutions Factory at Lohgaon being explained procedure of manufacturing

Mr. Deepak Kundal of Winsquare Solutions explaining the process to students

Students exploring the Winsquare Solutions Factory

Students at Winsquare Solutions Factory at Lohgaon, Pune

Friday, December 16, 2016

Site Visit : AD III & LA II: Suzlon - One Earth Campus, Pune - 16/12/2016

The Third year students visited the Suzlon - One Earth campus on Friday, 16th December 2016. The Site Visit aimed at understanding the Campus Planning, sustainable approach and the Landscape design of the whole campus.

The students were given a brief introduction of the campus and the challenges undertaken before and during construction of the campus. Later they were taken on the tour and demonstration of how the campus works was shown.

Students at the Suzlon -One Earth Campus

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Site Visit : ADG I : Pune University - 15/12/2016

As the part of Academic Curriculum, First Year students were taken to Pune University on Thursday, 15th December 2016 for Sketching exercise.

The visit aimed at making student understand the proportions, architectural details and spaces through sketching and also understand the technological and material aspects of any building. The students mainly sketched the Main Building of Pune University and the Set Bhavan.

Students sketching at the site visit

First year students at Pune University Main Building

Visit & Interaction : Ar. Mona Doctor - Pingel, Auroville - 15/12/2016

On Thursday, 15th December 2016, Ar. Mona Doctor - Pingel from Auroville visited our college. She also had brief interaction with the Faculty and students.

Ar. Mona Doctor - Pingel has graduated from CEPT, Ahmedabad and did her Post Graduation in Appropriate Technology from Flensburg University in Germany. She has been associated with Ar. Poppo Pingel and ever since Auroville has become her "Karma-Kshetra" as she calls it.

Her work has been labelled as "Appropriate", "sustainable", "organic", "rustic", "finely crafted",etc. at various times. One of the key guiding principles in her work is the creation of buildings which are healthy, (Building Biology, sick building syndrome), taking into account factors like electromagnetic fields, use of natural materials and earth energies.

Poster for the Visit

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Shearforce 16-17 : Call for Registration - 13/12/2016

⚽🏀 SHEARFORCE ✊🏻 is back ..! 

With the overwhelming response for past 5 years we, PVPCOA, would like to announce SHEARFORCE 16-17 

The event will be conducted from Friday, 13th January 2017 to Sunday, 15th January 2017

We hereby invite colleges all over Maharashtra to participate in the Games, namely for Football (Boys & Girls) and Basketball (Boys & Girls)

Due to the crunch of time we will have a maximum of 14 teams of Football Boys, for which the participation of teams for respective game will be decided on the FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS

Registration Dates: Open till Sunday, 18th December 2016. 

Registration Charges : 

Football Boys - Rs 2500/- per team 

Football Girls (6 aside) - Rs 1500/- per team 

Basketball Boys - Rs 2500/- per team 

Basketball Girls (6 aside) - Rs 2500/- per team 

Jersey - Rs 600/- per person 

For more details, contact our student coordinators : 
1) Rujuta Chauhan - 8390223751 
2) Kushal Darda- 8390209043 
3) Harshada Pawar- 96575 93713 
4) Sumeet Joshi- 9970766722 

You can also contact us through email at pvpcoasports@gmail.com for further querries

Refer the poster below for all the other details. 

We are expecting a positive response from all.

See you at Shearforce soon!


Poster for the Event