Registration dates extended up to 30th July 2016 (latest by 23:59:59 hrs)
(Note: Read the entire info and instructions before you register)
Dear Principal / Faculty Members / Students,
PVP College of Architecture, Pune invites FOURTH Year B.Arch students of academic session 2016 -17 to participate in Indian Domestic Contest 2016 for Asian Contest of Architectural Rookie’s Award (ACARA) (Presenting their Third Year Architectural Design project of Semester 1 or Semester 2 from academic session 2015-16).
We kindly request you select Only Two Students from your college to participate in the contest.
ACARA is an International contest for students of Architecture, held every year in order to contribute to architectural education and establish rich networking associated with modern architecture in Asia. This design competition has its own uniqueness that it is open only for the current 4th year students to present their 3rd Year B. Arch Architectural Design work, which is an important bench mark & mid destination in the five year long course of Architecture.
Dr. Youngil Lee from Japan is the Chief organiser for ACARA. The objective of ACARA competition is to review, judge & evaluate architectural works and ideas created by students studying architectural design in universities in various countries across Asia like Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam & India.
For the Indian domestic contest for architectural Rookies-2016, (hosted by PVP College of Architecture, Pune) invitation will be sent to all the 400 plus colleges recognised by Council of Architecture in india.
For Indian Domestic Contest ACARA-2015 we had a pan India participation of 64 students.
1) Bonafide students of 4th year B.Arch studying in any Architectural Institute in India recognised by Council of Architecture.
2) Architectural Design project for third year Semester 1 or Semester 2 from academic session 2015-16 to be presented .
(Important Note: Only 2 Individual Entries per College ; Group work will not be eligible; Only Architectural Design project of 3rd year B.Arch. done in academic session 2015-16 will be eligible.)
3) Participant should have a passport valid till Dec. 2016 ; If not, he/she should avail it before 30 August 2016.
Stage 1: Online Registration ( Extended up to Saturday, 30th July 2016 latest by 23:59:59 hrs)
For registration please log on to : www,
(Note: Read the entire info and instructions before you register)
Stage 2: Online Submission requirements (Latest by Monday, 1st August 2016)
Powerpoint presentation with maximum 10 slides and maximum 15 MB
Please note: No Videos and Walk-through are to be attached in the presentation
(To be sent via email at ‘’)
Stage 3: Submission at PVPCOA, Pune ( From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Friday 5th August 2016)
(Note: Submission for stage 3 to be done in person by the participant )
Submission requirements for Stage 3 are as follows:
• A1 Sheets :2 numbers (any medium is permitted)
• Model of any suitable scale duly endorsed by the college
• Power point presentation in a DVD
Stage 4: Presentation of entries to the jury panel at PVPCOA, Pune (From 8:00am to 6:00pm, Saturday 6th August 2016)
(Powerpoint presentation of maximum 5 minutes for each entry as per Rookies standard format)
• Design will be assessed by Power-point presentation, Drawings as well as Model for the Indian Domestic Contest 2016.
• Students will present their work in the form of Power-point presentation for max. 5 mins each as per Rookies standard format.
• Indian Contest – Top 2 Gold Awards worth Rs.10,000 each & 3 Silver Awards worth Rs.5000 each along with a certificate and trophy.
• Top 2 Gold winners out of these 5 awardees from Indian Domestic contest 2016 will be nominated for presenting their work in ACARA 2016 which will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on Saturday, 1st of October 2016.
(Note: Travel and other expenses for Mongolia will be reimbursed by the host of ACARA for the two selected participants)
Opportunity for 2 Gold winners of Indian Domestic Contest for ACARA in the year 2013, 2014 , 2015 and 2016 :
Winners of Indian domestic contest held in 2013 had an opportunity to represent India in Osaka, Japan
Winners of Indian domestic contest held in 2014 had an opportunity to represent India in Dalian, China
Winners of Indian domestic contest 2015 had an opportunity to represent India in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Winners of Indian domestic contest 2016 will have an opportunity to represent India in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 1st Oct 2016.
Jury panel for Indian domestic contest for ACARA 2016 involves more than 10 jury members out of which 4-6 jury members will be from colleges with winning entries in 2015.
• Last date of Registration of Entries: Saturday 30th July 2016
• Last date of online submission of power-point presentation: Monday, 1st August 2016
• Submission of sheets and models, CD in person: Friday 5th August 2016
• Presentation of entries to the jury panel: Saturday 6th August 2016
• Presentation for ACARA-2016 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Saturday 1st Oct 2016
(2 Gold winners of ACARA-Indian domestic competition to represent India at ACARA-2016)
Submission Requirements for ACARA-2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia:
• A1 sheets- 2 nos. ( any medium is permitted )
• Model (Lot of importance given to model)
(For ACARA 2016 in Mongolia, model has to fit in Size 900mm x 900mm x 700mm as per ACARA format)
H) Registration Charges for Attendants:
For Attendants, Registration will be done ON THE SPOT on Saturday, 6th August 2016 (between 8:15am to 9:00am)
Rookie's participants: No Charges ( Complimentary breakfast, lunch, tea ,snacks)
Non- participating students: 300/-
Faculty: 500/- (Complimentary breakfast, lunch, tea ,snacks)
I) VENUE for Indian Domestic Contest for ACARA 2016
VIT’s P.V.P. College of Architecture, Pune, , Aditya Nisarg, at-Pirangut, Tal.-Mulashi, Pune-412115
Or contact :
Tejal Shrotriya
Phone no +91 8552020957
( Student Coordinator for ACARA, PVPCOA, Pune)
Yogesh Surkutlawar
Phone no +91 7276546976
( Student Coordinator for ACARA, PVPCOA, Pune)
Attached herewith is the poster for the same as well as the location map /direction map for the Venue: PVPCOA, Pune.
Thanks and Regards,
Ar. Prof. Prasanna Desai,
Convener, ACARA-2016
Director, VIT's PVP College of Architecture, Pune
Ar. Mrunalini Anekar
Phone no +91 9823408033
Faculty Coordinator for ACARA, Pune
VIT's PVP College of Architecture, Pune
Ar. Sameer Gujar
Phone no +91 9168261653
Faculty Coordinator for ACARA, Pune
VIT's PVP College of Architecture, Pune
Poster for Asian Contest for Architectural Rookie's Award : Indian Domestic Contest - 2016

Location map 1 & 2 for Venue : PVPCOA, Pune
Location map 3 for Venue : PVPCOA, Pune