The State of Architecture Exhibition was set up at NGMA, Mumbai by curators, Rahul Mehrotra, Ranjit Hoskote and Kaiwan Mehta. The Exhibition was a panorama of State of Indian Architecture since Independence in different political era. It showed the development of Indian Architecture till date and acknowledged works of eminent Architects and Architectural Firms, who were pivotal in shaping the Architecture in India.
The First Year students visited the Exhibition on Wednesday, 9th March 2016, the Third Year students visited on Wednesday, 16th March 2016 and the Fourth Year students visited on Wednesday, 18th March 2016,
The Third and Fourth Year students also visited the "Charles Chorea: Unbuilt" Exhibition, that displayed the works of Charles Chorea and also exposed students to the architectural drawings of unbuilt structures designed by Charles Chorea.