Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Keertan - 19/02/2103

Inauguration of Insight 2012-13 was followed by Keertan. H.B.P. Waman Bua Kolhatkar (Jeshta Keertankar) gave brief introduction about Keertan. After this introduction Keertan was performed by Keertankar Pranav Deo.


Insight 2012-13 : Inauguration - 19/02/2013

An exhibition of Ideas, Images, Expressions, Murals, Installations, 'Insight', is a part of annual activity of PVPCOA. Students started working on 'Insight 2012-13' from 16th February 2013. This exhibition was Inaugurated on Tuesday, 19th February 2013 at the hands of H.B.P. Waman Bua Kolhatkar (Jeshta Keertankar). Inauguration was followed by Keertan of Pranav Deo

Friday, February 8, 2013

Presentation & Interactive Session : Ar. Ravi Gadre, Pune - 08/02/2013

Ar. Ravi Gadre gave a presentation in PVPCOA on 8th February 2013. In this presentation he showed work (drawings, sketches and models) of various students and professionals from five different International colleges. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Review : Thesis - Ar. Pattabi Raman, South Africa & Ar. Narendra Dengle, Pune - 06/02/2013 & 07/02/2013

A review of work done by V B. Arch students on their thesis project was held at PVPCOA. Ar. Patabi Raman, South Africa & Ar. Narendra Dengle, Pune gave students valuable inputs about the approach and direction they could follow for their Individual projects. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Interactive Session : AD I - Ar. Pattabi Raman, South Africa & Ar. Narendra Dengle, Pune - 05/02/2013

Ar. Pattabi Raman & Ar. Narendra Dengle saw the RSP drawings exhibited by the students of I B. Arch. After congratulating students for the work that they have produced both the architects talked about importance of sketching, hand drawing and line intensities.

Review : AD IV - Ar. Pattabi Raman, South Africa - 05/02/2013


Monday, February 4, 2013

Review : AD III - Ar. Pattabi Raman, South Africa - 04/02/2013

Review : AD II - Ar. Nachiket Patwardhan, Ar. Rajul Kambuj & Ar. Pattabi Raman - 04/02/2013

II year design review with Prof. Pattabi Raman, Nachiket Patwardhan and Rajul Kambuj was very useful for the design team. All were very happy to see both quantum of work and variety of approaches that had been attempted by the students. 

Interaction with Faculty : Ar. Pattabi Raman, South Africa - 04/02/2013

 In Interactive Session with Full Time faculty of the college, Ar. Pattabi Raman talked to each one about his / her areas of interest like landscaping, graphics, small town urbanization, climatology, relevance of history, planning concepts, etc. He discussed about the way students are to be nurtured specially I year students.