Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interactive Session : Ar. Nalini Thakur, New Delhi - 24/01/2013

Conservation Ar. Nalini Thakur had a discussion on design projects of II Year B. Arch students. She spent time with students commenting on the realities and complexities of working in historic context. Her valuable inputs were a great help to the studio.

Site Visit : BS I - Ramkrishna Math & Maharshi Karve Memorial Museum, Pune - 24/01/2013

As a part of Building Services I, in which students are to understand natural and artificial lighting in a space, they were taken to RamKrishna Math and Maharshi Karve Memorial. Here they could see various ways in which ample, glare free light has been brought in space to create desired ambience for the activity.

RSP : AD I - Chettinad, Tamil Nadu - 16/01/2013 - 24/01/2013

Students of I B. Arch visited Chettinad, Tamil Nadu on their Relative Study Programme. Here they could study structures which are result of a particular type of soci-cultural and economic background along with the climate. Students did an extensive documentation of various buildings from this town.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Review : Urban Design - Dr. M. N. Buch, Bhopal Ar. Ar. Mohammad Shaheer, New Delhi - 19/01/2013

Under the subject, Urban design, students of 4th year B arch are working on the studio project “Addressing Transformation in Core cities”. Students presented Detail  documentation & analysis of Urban fabric in Rasta Peth area in Pune , in front of Panel  of Jury which included Ar. Mohamed Shaheer, Mr MN Buch apart from their studio team faculty like Ar Narendra Dengle & Ar Hema Sankalia 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Interactive Session : Ar. Chitra Vishwanath, Banglore - 5/1/2013.

An interactive session with Ar. Chitra Vishwanath, from bengaluru, who visited our college and gave a presentation to the students focusing on "details" in drawings.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Interactive Session : Ar. Shuhei Endo, Japan - 3/1/2013

Ar. Shuhei Endo a Japanese architect who visited our college of architecture and had an interactive session with the students.